“Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve.” Napoleon Hill.
Bob DiCuio, PhD
Wall Street Psych is the practice of Bob DiCuio, PhD who is a clinical psychologist, licensed in New Jersey and New York with offices in the Princeton & the Wall Street area.
He specializes in:
treating adults
coaching executives and entrepreneurs
dealing with difficult life transitions
and consulting with corporations.
We focus on how we can help you achieve more in your life and career. Our clients often identify the following problems:
Work stress
Feeling like a fraud at work
Frustration caused by relationship problems at home or work
Depression which is hard to overcome
Compulsive, addictive behaviors that may also be causing health problems
Anxiety, panic attacks
Anger issues that are interfering with family & work relationships
Chronic health conditions that may exacerbate the other conditions mentioned above.
We view these problems as obstacles to achieving more in life. To help clarify what you want to achieve we often ask two questions:
The 1st is, "Why are you seeking help now, why didn't you call a month ago, or why not wait another month to seek help?"
The 2nd question is, "If we could magically fix only one thing in your life, what would it be?”
Our unique approach is based on a positive psychological approach of seeing the glass as half full rather than half empty. Answers to both questions can help us set positive, exciting goals that often provide the necessary energy & motivation to change rather than just try to eliminate problems.
Our approach tries to integrate into a more holistic approach to improve your life, including a healthy diet, exercise, better sleep, mindfulness-based stress management, eliminating addictions and other negative behaviors from our lives, and growth-enhancing social support systems.
Our Treatment Philosophy to Achieve More in Life
Biographical Info
Bob DiCuio, Ph.D. has been helping people for over 25 years as a licensed psychologist and as an executive coach. He obtained his Ph.D. in psychology from Columbia University and was a Thorndike Fellow. He also is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. His research studied how different environments could increase self esteem and lead to positive behavioral change. He also did postgraduate work in the area of supervision, and group dynamics
Bob has held positions as Director of Education and Training for the New York State Department of Mental Hygiene and Flower Fifth Avenue Hospital in NYC. He was also on faculty at New York Medical College and Mount Sinai School of Medicine..
Through a federally sponsored management training program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, he taught trainers who in turn would teach healthcare administrators management principles that were used in corporate environments such as project management techniques.
After leaving the health care field, he opened his Wall Street Area practice where he worked with Employee Assistance Programs primarily for employees of insurance companies, investment companies, and financial institutions. He also began consulting in Atlantic City setting up employee assistance programs at two casinos. He worked was featured in a New York Times article which focused on setting up stress management programs for casino staff.
After the first World Trade Center attack (which occurred in 1993) he worked with several companies that had offices at the World Trade Center. He founded Wall Street Psych Consulting. Since their offices were ½ block from Ground Zero, during the months following 9/11/01 Bob DiCuio consulted extensively with companies who were forced to move into temporary offices spaces in Midtown Manhattan and Jersey City. He also began providing consultation to companies who had employees who were anxious about having to return to their office space near Ground Zero.
During this time Dr. DiCuio began to work more with executives around leadership skills needed during times of crisis. He worked with several advertising agencies that had to deal with staff that had to deal with fear of flying and trying to deal with creative difficulties immediately following the attacks.
Individual Therapy
Dr. DiCuio has a wide experience in supporting individuals in therapy. He believes in the power of a supportive presence to help you develop new ways of believing in yourself and new behaviors to change your life.
Life Transitions
Dr. DiCuio has carved out a niche working with people who have had changes in their life that they feel like they are missing pieces towards feeling fulfilled in their new environments.
Executive Coaching
Dr. DiCuio has spent over 30 years consulting with executives and entrepreneurs to overcome obstacles and reach their personal goals
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
Dr. DiCuio has been supporting organizations corporate consultations dating back to the events of September 11th, 2001.