Individual Therapy
Dr. DiCuio has years of experience in being a supportive professional who listens and helps with steps for individuals to experience growth and success.
Bob’s Personalized Approach
Bob centers his approach on a Positive psychology model that focuses on your strengths, and having a structured plan that you can commit, to maximize your positive growth. His approach tries to integrate cognitive behavioral techniques (CBT) to achieve the goals of having strong positive support systems, improving self-esteem, increasing understanding of one’s self, and developing self-soothing techniques.
Many of his clients are professionals, dealing with stress and anxiety related to high-stress management jobs, someone who might want to reevaluate their career choice, and travel stressors. He often also works with clients who have their own businesses or professionals who run their practices.
Dr. DiCuio has years of experience in being a supportive professional who listens and helps with steps for individuals to experience growth and success. Positive psychology focuses on strengths having a structured plan you can commit to maximize success with integration of support systems. CBT, self-esteem, increasing understanding of self, ideal self, self-soothing.
Therapy with Bob
Ideal client: Professional, dealing with stress and anxiety related to high stress management jobs, someone who might want to advance their career, tech, travel stressors, Financial, law, juggling multiple facets of business small and large. retired professionals adjusting to changes from working full time.